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Neochromis omnicaeruleus Makobe

Today I will show you my Neochromis omnicaeruleus Makobe.
The group exists with 13 males and 6 females.
I have 12 blue males and one in yellow. 3 of the females are wb (white blotched) 2 are orange blotched and one is plane (greenish)...

acctually I have many fry of them in all variants... Its hardly to keept them, because they have many intraspecific aggressions. So I keep them in a 240 Liter tank with no hiding places of stones or any thing else...
probably you can not put the photos, because there is a limit of 195 kb per image.
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About of the Neochromis, I've 4 Neochromis omnicaeruleus probabily Ruty island, 3 males and 1 female. The dominant male is blue with pectoral fin red, the second male is quite blue and the other male is yellow similar to the females.

I read that this cichlids in the wild live among the rocks end in particular that they occupy the vertical walls.
For that I bred them in a tanks of 220 liters with a big rock long as the aquarium and high until the water level.
I love to recreate groped their environment, and I for now I never had big problems with aggressivity, but probably only because my cichlids are young.

We wait your Neochromis omnicaeruleus Makobe Island immages.
I'm keeping Neochromis rufocaudalis, unfortunately only 3 ones, two males:( and one female. Intraspecific aggression isn't too strong, less than in Haplochromis blue obliquidens for example.
and Orangeblochted female
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females OB and WB

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a whiteblochted female

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a WB-female with fry
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a plane Female of NO makobe
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a blue male
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and the second OB female
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Marco congratulations, you have beautiful fish that we dream of Italy :D. I'd like to see your other cichlids and if possible the layout of your tanks

Guida Ciclidi

Nuova edizione Ordinala

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Numero 1/2024

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